Transsexual Anonymous

From transsexual to recovering sex addict: a different approach to gender dysphoria

Welcome to my website. I’m a transgender fantasy addict. I’ve created this site to share a message drawn from my personal experience – one that may not be relevant to very many people, but which I hope may be of life-changing, even life-saving, significance to those few.

In a nutshell, my story is this:

For anyone who identifies with my experience, my message is: THERE IS HOPE!

I suggest beginning by reading my story (link here). Then this link will take you to a guide through the rest of the material here.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Questions for self-diagnosis

These questions are meant to help you think about your situation. There is nothing scientific about them – they are simply drawn from aspects of my own experience which I feel are significant. There is no scoring system. Some of them raise the issue of sexual orientation – you can read an explanation of my thoughts on this here.

How many of the following statements do you identify with?

  • The first time I can remember having sexual feelings as a child is when I first had a transsexual fantasy.

  • I frequently masturbate whilst having transgender fantasies.

  • I use sexual fantasy as a refuge from the problems of real life.

  • The woman I am in my fantasies is the kind of woman I find sexually attractive, and bears no relation to my own age, size, appearance etc.

  • I fantasize compulsively about particular female anatomical characteristics (breasts, vagina, etc.) or biological functions (menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding etc.).

  • My sexual fantasies of being a woman involve sado-masochistic or fetishistic elements.

  • In my fantasies I may be sexual with men, but they are “faceless” – I don’t fantasize about specific male individuals.

  • I regularly engage in sexual behaviours which I want to stop because I feel they are not ways in which a woman would typically behave, but I am unable to stop them.

  • I use pornography, but tell myself that I am different from normal male pornography users because I identify with the women portrayed.

  • I spend a lot of time looking at TS websites and using them to fuel my fantasies of becoming a beautiful woman.

  • I have had one or more long-term sexual relationships with women.

  • I have had no sexual experiences with men.

  • I wear women’s clothes in private, but rarely or never go out in public en femme – I am too nervous.

  • I worry a lot about not being young and attractive enough as a woman.

  • I don’t enjoy social gatherings of transgendered people – I just feel awkward and out of place.

  • I have, or have had, typically male leisure interests.

  • I work in a male-dominated occupation.

  • I turn particularly strongly to transsexual fantasies and behaviours at times of great emotional stress.

  • When I fantasize about being a woman I become less inclined to mix with other people and just want to isolate myself.

  • “I want to be a woman” describes my feelings more honestly than “I am a woman”.

Finally, one to sum up all the rest:

  • I use my fantasy of being a woman like an alcoholic uses a drink.


At 2:06 PM, June 07, 2012, Blogger Anne said...

I admire how brave you are sharing this to us. And i believe that there are men who are like this too. I found this article Your ladyboy dating guide, there are a lot of things that you can learned from this article and maybe can help you understand your situation. God bless

At 2:37 PM, August 05, 2015, Blogger Clive Recovering said...

I would like to know if this blog is still active? I am a 57 year old man who has been in a 12 step recovery programme for alcoholism (AA) for 10 years, amd only today have I realised and accepted that my crossdressing and autogynephilia is something I have been using for the last 45 years just the way I used to use alcohol. Amazing.

At 6:41 AM, July 23, 2018, Blogger Ana gpe Morales said...

It is amazing all what you give to us all this information it is very helpful to my husband and I. we have three sons, the youngest is 30 years old and one week before Thanksgiving 2017 he call us that he had a secret that he needs to tell us.We never ever think about transgenderism in any form or shape with our sons, especially him that he have a steadily girlfriend very well educated and straight lady also, by the time she already was pregnant.He told us that he is a transgender.Right now he is going all those treatments that you mention but also he wants to remove pretty soon his genitalia. We are in shock, aim counseling him, and sent to him your history.He lives in Austin, Texas. By the way their twins babies boys born May 8, 2018 in good health, he still lives with " His best friend" I say no she is the mother of your sons period.He took a SELFIE with them and said " MY SONS HAVE A PRETTY MOMMY" THOSE BABIES GOING TO NEED A REAL FATHER and they not have been registered with his last name because he use my maiden last name, the babies have only the mother last name. Do you know is there is any loop for those babies to get recognize it with the father original last name.Our son new American PASSPORT now is with a woman name.Thank you! Mrs. A.R. McAllen TEXAS. 7/22/2018 MY EMAIL:


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