These questions are meant to help you think about your situation. There is nothing scientific about them – they are simply drawn from aspects of my own experience which I feel are significant. There is no scoring system. Some of them raise the issue of
sexual orientation – you can read an explanation of my thoughts on this
How many of the following statements do you identify with?
- The first time I can remember having sexual feelings as a child is when I first had a transsexual fantasy.
- I frequently masturbate whilst having transgender fantasies.
- I use sexual fantasy as a refuge from the problems of real life.
- The woman I am in my fantasies is the kind of woman I find sexually attractive, and bears no relation to my own age, size, appearance etc.
- I fantasize compulsively about particular female anatomical characteristics (breasts, vagina, etc.) or biological functions (menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding etc.).
- My sexual fantasies of being a woman involve sado-masochistic or fetishistic elements.
- In my fantasies I may be sexual with men, but they are “faceless” – I don’t fantasize about specific male individuals.
- I regularly engage in sexual behaviours which I want to stop because I feel they are not ways in which a woman would typically behave, but I am unable to stop them.
- I use pornography, but tell myself that I am different from normal male pornography users because I identify with the women portrayed.
- I spend a lot of time looking at TS websites and using them to fuel my fantasies of becoming a beautiful woman.
- I have had one or more long-term sexual relationships with women.
- I have had no sexual experiences with men.
- I wear women’s clothes in private, but rarely or never go out in public en femme – I am too nervous.
- I worry a lot about not being young and attractive enough as a woman.
- I don’t enjoy social gatherings of transgendered people – I just feel awkward and out of place.
- I have, or have had, typically male leisure interests.
- I work in a male-dominated occupation.
- I turn particularly strongly to transsexual fantasies and behaviours at times of great emotional stress.
- When I fantasize about being a woman I become less inclined to mix with other people and just want to isolate myself.
- “I want to be a woman” describes my feelings more honestly than “I am a woman”.
Finally, one to sum up all the rest:
- I use my fantasy of being a woman like an alcoholic uses a drink.